You are here: Contacts > Manage and create prospects > Manage or create a client portal > Using Comments with the Client Portal

Using Comments with the Client Portal

When using the Client Portal feature, both you and your prospect can add and read comments for listings in the Prospect Cart.

There are several ways to view new comments from your clients:

To view and add comments for a listing from the Prospect Cart:

  1. From the Contacts menu, select Contacts/Prospects.
  2. Locate the desired prospect, then click the appropriate numbered hyperlink below the Prospect Cart column (the numbered hyperlinks represent Newly Matched, Agent Recommended, Saved, and Rejected listings in the Prospect Cart).
  3. Locate the desired listing, then click the icon for that listing. The Comments window automatically opens, ready for you to enter a new comment.
  4. Enter your comments, then click the Post button. The date and time will automatically be saved for each comment.

To view and add comments for a listing using the AP/Portal Activity Module:

  1. From the Contacts menu, select Contacts/Prospects.
  2. Locate the desired prospect, then click the corresponding AP/Portal Activity module icon.
  3. From the Customer Portal Activity page, click the "Comments" tab to view all new and existing comments that have been left between you and your client.
  4. Enter your comments, then click the Post Comments button. The date and time will automatically be saved for each comment.

NOTE: You can select the "Private Note" check box if you do not want your prospect to see a comment from their Client Portal.

NOTE: A "Post Comments" link displays for each listing in the Client Portal so that your client can easily leave comments about any listing in their prospect cart.

TIP: View the video tutorial entitled "Client Portal" on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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